Sono Sharks

The Sharks have splashed onto the scene as the first EVER women’s NSL team. Team owners Katline Cauwels and Shaun Moxham are both razor sharp and will be looking to field a roster full of apex predators at the Draft. Look for them to be fast, aggressive and calculated in building a contending roster for 2025.

Team Owners:
Shaun Moxham
Katline Cauwels

Players to be added soon!

Don’t miss the National Squash League’s 2025 Draft, March 14th – 16th, 2025 in Charlottesville! Interested in attending? Tickets are available now!

MSquash Sono

MSQUASH is a High-Performance Squash Academy, based in Port Chester, NY and South Norwalk, CT. We help you develop a winning Mindset, effective Movement and Match Strategy. MSquash is there for all, offering an academy structure for kids who want to achieve big things, social nights for adult squash and a junior fun membership for kids who want to get moving. We value hard work, dedication, acceleration, passion, and respect. MSquash was founded by Shaun Moxham and Katline Cauwels.

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